Monday, October 5, 2009

Family Golf

We had our 3rd annual family golf tournament on Sunday, which is a guarantee for a cold, damp Sunday. It rained the first year, but stopped long enough for us to golf, the second year was a total wash-out, although a few of the guys went out regardless, and yesterday was dry, but cloudy and COLD! Chuck, Ted, Pat, and Maddox stayed home to watch the end of the Twins game (and nap), while the rest of us headed to the executive course at Gopher Hills. With just six of us golfing, we decided to do best-ball with 3 teams, and we all went out together (it helps when there's no one else on the course!).

Great form, Corey!

My 4 layers of clothes made it pretty tough to get in my "groove."

Looking good, Jenna!

Smack it, Andy!

Go for it, Joyce!

Way to go, Paul!

High-five after an awesome putt.

Corey had a couple of great, long putts, too.

Team 1 - Joyce and Paul

Team 2 - Jenna and Andy

And the winner is ....Team 3 - Corey and Jane - with a score of 35 (4 pars and 5 bogies)!
My goal was to at least contribute with a few shots, which I did, but most of the credit for that score goes to Corey. He did admit that it helped to watch what my putts did before hitting his own, so I guess I was good for something! :-)
Some year, we'll get a beautiful, fall afternoon, but actually, the weather doesn't matter. It's just fun to get together. Someone suggested maybe we should try a winter bowling tournament. What do you think?

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