Sunday, February 19, 2012

Indoor Miniature Golf

Our PTO is awesome! Every year, as one of their major fund-raisers, they sponsor an indoor miniature golf course that winds it's way for 18 holes throughout the halls of the elementary school. The staff goes all out designing creative and challenging holes for the kids to try out their putting skills. The course is open both Saturday and Sunday, and this year over 500 people came each day to do a little golfing. My class actually won a pizza party for having the most students from a class in attendance - 14 out of 21 kids!
The first grade theme this year was "Love Makes the World Go Around." We had the kids decorate cereal boxes for Valentine's Day and then used them as obstacles and edging - it was great because not only did we have a colorful golf hole, but we were also done with our Valentine decorating! Nothing like double duty! :-)
I took Charlie golfing on Saturday. He had a great time checking out all the holes, but he didn't really hit the ball very many times.
He actually tried to hit it on our hole (interesting grip, Charlie),
but then he picked up the ball and walked it down the "fairway,"
and placed the ball in the hole.
The theme of the kindergarten hole was "Angry Birds."
Needless to say, we didn't keep score!
He LOVED the red carpet from the Cheerleader's hole,
and he had fun crawling upstream with the fishies at the 3rd grade hole.
Where did that ball go?
Fortunately, we were there early on Saturday morning so we missed all the crowds and could take our time. I think we'll have to try this again next year!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sick Charlie!

Little Charlie gave us a big scare a couple of weeks ago when he was diagnosed with RSV and spent 4 nights in the hospital! It started with an ear infection early in the week, and instead of getting lots better on the antibiotics, he seemed to be getting worse. I babysat for him on Friday night, and when he threw up after putting him to bed, I did something I'd never done before - I called Jenna and suggested they come home. He was congested, feverish, and his breathing was very rapid. I felt so bad leaving him laying on the floor wrapped in a blanket while I cleaned up the mess, but the smelly, yucky macaroni and cheese had to go!
He had a restless night, rallied a bit in the morning, and then crashed on the couch with Jenna's i-pad. By Saturday night, he still had no energy, but by the time Jenna got him to Urgent Care they were closed. When she took him back on Sunday, they did a chest x-ray, gave an early diagnosis of pneumonia, and sent him directly to Children's Hospital where he was assessed again and admitted. Poor little guy was one of 47 babies in the hospital with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)! Needless to say, Jenna camped out at the hospital for the whole length of Charlie's stay, and Andy went back and forth (Crosby, the dog, needed care, too).
I took Monday afternoon off to go to the hospital, and this is what I found when I got there. Charlie was on oxygen, and he was hooked up to to several machines which monitored his breathing rate and oxygen levels. He initially had an IV, too, but he pulled it out. They decided if he drank and ate enough, they wouldn't put it back in, much to Jenna's relief. We really pushed those fluids! He slept most of the afternoon,
and then rallied enough to play with the trucks and cars his day-care provider brought for him.
Scrambled eggs and french fries? Oh well... I left around 7:00 to get back to Cannon for a Community Choir rehearsal, but I went back the next afternoon after school. Jenna and Andy had tickets to Lion King (Jenna's Christmas present from Andy) so I was on watch-Charlie duty. He had had another listless day, and didn't even respond when Corey came to visit. They were very concerned about leaving him, but when a doctor stopped in to reassure them, they got dressed up and went on their way, leaving me in charge.
I spent the next 4 hours standing beside his bed, feeding him ice cream, holding his hand, and playing games with him on the i-pad. He was so sweet, but so unlike his usual rambunctious self.
I'm convinced that every child should be issued an i-pad upon admission to the hospital. What an invention! Charlie could watch his favorite movie, UP, play games, and basically stay somewhat entertained, even when a nurse came in and checked him over. It was amazing!
Poor baby couldn't even sit up, though! Jenna and Andy got back to the hospital around 10:30, and it was almost midnight by the time I got home. I wasn't too lively at school the next day! On Wednesday, they worked on reducing the amount of oxygen he was getting, and finally, on Thursday morning, he got to go home!
I went up to St. Paul Thursday afternoon so I could see that Charlie was really OK. What a difference a few days makes! I fed him supper while Jenna and Andy went to get groceries and run a few errands, and he had most of the sparkle back in his eyes, and most of his supper on his face!
He was a little wobbly on his feet after not walking for 4 days, but he was sure happy to get back to his own toys! Yeah, Charlie! Don't ever get that sick again!! :-)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mother/Daughter Breakfast

Jenna is so lucky to have the sweetest friends! She met Laura and Amanda when she was a freshman at Augsburg, they were roommates during the next three years, they had an apartment together during their first year after graduation, and they have remained close ever since. Both girls were also bridesmaids in Jenna's wedding (way back in 2006). Over the years the moms have become friends, too! We met several times during various college events (move-in days were always fun), and the girls hosted a mother/daughter brunch right before graduation. We all helped paint their apartment in St. Paul, too. Now it's Amanda's turn to get married, and the girls decided they should get the moms together again to help her celebrate. So...several weeks ago, we met at The St. Paul Hotel for a fantastic Saturday morning breakfast!

Can you tell who belongs to who? We should have mixed everyone up! It was so much fun catching up on everyone's activities from the last 6 years - these girls are all doing amazing things!

Congratulations, Amanda, and good luck in your new adventure!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christmas/New Year's Eve 2011

Well, it's only taken me a month to get at this post, but better late than never! I have no idea where January went - it's usually seems like the longest month in the year, but it sure zoomed right by this year! So, here's to the holidays, 2011!
We were very excited for Christmas Eve this year because Jenna had her 20 week ultra-sound the day before, and she wouldn't even give me a hint at the results until they arrived Saturday morning.
Charlie had a box to give us, all wrapped up and ready to open. What could it be???
And it's a ..... "Little Sis!" What a great gift! The due date for the little lady is May 17th, and we can't wait to meet her! Charlie is going to be a great big brother!

Corey also had a great gift for me this year - an original painting of a gondola in Venice, Italy, painted from a photo I took when we were there two years ago. It is now hanging in our entryway so we can relive our vacation every time we walk by it. Thanks, Corey!
Charlie had a great time opening gifts this year, but he seemed to have even more fun with the wrapping paper and boxes.
He zoomed around the room, throwing paper everywhere, and generally entertaining all of us! Oh, to be a one-year old!

Jenna played Santa, and also opened a few gifts of her own.
Andy got some new hunting boots from Robinson Outdoor Products, Chuck's new place of employment. :-)
Chuck got a new shirt, along with the standard underwear and socks.
Kyle had his usual spot in his favorite chair.
Charlie helped Corey open all of his gifts.

Charlie got a sled, but so far he hasn't been able to use it - no snow!
Jenna and I shared a hug before our ham dinner. I, of course, have several church services to play for (4:00 and 10:30 pm, and 10:00 am the next morning), so it gets to be quite a balancing act getting everything ready, but it always works out! It was a great day!
Jenna and Andy took off for Pittsburgh on Christmas morning, and the rest of us, plus Ted and Pat and Joyce and Paul, headed to Corey's for a chili dinner and presents for Maddox.
Mmmmmmmm, good!
Kyle and Maddox checked out the appetizers.
After dinner, we all headed to the movies at the Icon Theater in St. Louis Park.
Here are the siblings. We saw "War Horse" while Corey and Maddox saw a kid's movie. Chili and a movie is becoming our new tradition for Christmas afternoon - fun!
During the next week, our good friends, Sandy and Ray and Sally and Dick, came over for dinner.
We always laugh so much when we get together!
Later in the week, Joyce and I did our annual bread-making marathon.
I usually get things started early in the morning,
and then Joyce shows up to do the messy work - kneading the dough,
and shaping the loaves. Of course, we always take time for a little shopping while the dough is rising.
Looks good, and smells even better!
We also take time for some duets. This year, we even set up my Flip camera, so we have a Mozart Sonata on video!
We went to Stangler's on New Year's Eve for our annual fondue dinner. They set up a looong table in their living room and we eat for hours!
The "girls"
The "guys"
The whole crew!
Happy New Year, everyone!