Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kindergarten Programs

Phebe was involved in several "end-of-the-year" programs, and since I'm right at school with her, I got to go to them all, even the dress rehearsals. I just switched my prep-time around so I was free during the performance time, or I brought my kids with - they loved seeing the kindergarteners perform, and so did I!
It's tough getting everyone lined up on risers! This is the dress rehearsal for the regular K class music program (two classes together). Phebe is in the bright pink shirt in the 2nd row.

For the actual performance, the kids all wore their kindergarten t-shirts. So cute!

"March of the Wee Americans"

Phebe got to introduce one of the songs.

The Cannon Kids Kindergarten program was a few days later.
Here's the "Numbers Rhumba."

Phebe's favorite song was "Tooty Tot."
She didn't want my 1st graders to watch her because it's so silly, but I'd say she really got into it!
What fun!

They look so sad!
Good job, Phebe! You did great!

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