Friday, August 17, 2007

Fun with Maddox

This week, we've been giving Corey and Heidi a hand with their move from their townhouse to a tiny one-bedroom apartment, where they will live for about 6 months while their new home is being built. I had really tough duty - entertaining Maddox while everyone else packed and hauled (don't worry, I did my share of carrying when we moved the non-essentials into the "storage unit" in our basement). Maddox was so good and so interested in all of the activity! If babies could talk....

"I love these drum sticks. Who needs fancy toys? Maybe someday I'll hit real drums like Mommy and Daddy!"

"OOPS - something is stuck. How come I can't lift this one up? I think I need a little help here."

"Yeah - I did it! Sooooooo big!"

"Think I'll take a break and read a book. Hmmmmm - this looks like a good one for baby book club!"

"This is cool! There's so much stuff, but where are all my toys? Daddy's flip-flops look like fun, but they probably won't taste too good. Will I ever be able to crawl around here? What's that LOUD noise? Could it be an airplane flying overhead? Where's the couch? Oh, that's right - it wouldn't fit in the door. Oh well - I prefer the floor anyways. When will my new house be ready?" :-)

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