Friday, March 30, 2012

Teddy's 10th (X 4) Birthday

My brother's son, Ted, was born on February 29, 1972 - a Leap Year baby! - so he just celebrated his 10th birthday (actually 40th) on February 29, 2012. What a great reason for a party! The whole family (well, most of us), plus friends, gathered at the party room at his apartment complex to help him celebrate. His wife, Angie, and son, Matthew, were great hosts!

Looking pretty mature for a 10-year old!
The cake was awesome!
Chuck and the crew.
Since we were all hanging out, I took the opportunity to shoot a few family pictures.
Me and my three.
Charlie was like a little bird with the cake.
Maddox and Matthew were either running around or playing electronic games.
Corey had me snap a few of him and Maddox. They turned out great, except for Maddox's red mustache!
Matthew helped with the gifts.
Great garage sign!!
Happy Birthday, Teddy! We probably won't all be around to help you celebrate when you turn 20. :-)