Saturday, November 6, 2010

MEA Trip to Two Harbors

MEA weekend comes at just the right time every year - the weather is usually great, and we're all ready for a short break after the first wild, crazy, hectic six weeks of school. This year, we left Thursday morning for a quick trip to visit Grandma Bracken in Two Harbors.

Jenna and Charlie joined us on our road trip.

Great Grandma Bracken loved the chance to see Charlie again. He grew a lot since we were there in July! Jenna and Charlie relaxed Friday morning while Chuck and I hiked around in the woods, looking for the perfect place to put up the tree stand in preparation for hunting season.
Then, we headed north to our all-time favorite spot, Gooseberry Falls. We popped Charlie in the front-pack and took off on some of the hiking trails around the falls.

It was a gorgeous day, and Charlie seemed to like all the activity. I really think he wanted to hop out of there and join all the kids climbing around on the rocks.

I'd say he looks a lot like his mommy in this picture.

So serious!

Hiking with a 20 # baby in a front-pack is a lot of work! We didn't quite make it all the way to Lake Superior.

Looks like we really wore the little guy out! He crashed as soon as we got back on the road. We were home by Friday night, refreshed and rejuvenated by the fresh air and beauty of northern Minnesota!

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