Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baby Charlie

Following is the short version of the events of two weeks ago when little Charlie was born. For the whole story, check out Jenna's blog (link at right). Jenna started labor on Friday night, May 7th, right on her due date, while she and I were at the movie "Babies" (how appropriate!). They went in to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, and after laboring all day, little Charlie was born at 4:27 pm. I was so privileged to be with them and to witness the arrival of our 3rd grandchild! What an amazing day!

Here we go - this is really going to happen!

What a miracle - he's here!
Jenna pushed for almost 2 hours - there's a reason they call it labor! She did great, although she was exhausted after being awake for almost 36 hours.

Charlie weighed in at 8# 5 oz. and 21 inches long, much bigger than predicted!

Kyle and Corey joined us at the hospital to check out their new nephew.

Proud Grandpa Chuck!
Little Charlie (Charles Gregory) is named for both of his grandpas, and he was born on his great grandpa's birthday.

The guys.

What a great Mother's Day present!
We finally took off from the hospital on Saturday night, stopped again in SSP to let out the dog, and then headed home to Cannon Falls, where we crashed, too.
We returned to St. Paul Sunday afternoon where we met Kyle and Corey for a Mother's Day lunch and then we went back to the hospital to check out the baby (and the new parents).

Jenna was a bit more rested than the day before!

Look at Charlie hold up his head at only 1 day old!

Isn't he a cutie?
Welcome to the family, Charlie!!

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