Sunday, November 8, 2009

Crazy Minnesota

I think every Minnesotan would agree that this has been a really strange summer and fall. Summer temps were very cool, and then suddenly we had a gorgeous September with warm, sunny days and no rain. Then October hit and it was cloudy almost eveyday, and we had four snowstorms (well, not really storms, but snow on four different occasions). Now it's November and the temps have warmed up and it's beautiful again! It's been in the 60's the last few days, with clear skies and bright sunshine. I had a chance to get out and finish up some yard work this afternoon, and discovered my last geranium is in bloom, and it has buds all over it! I haven't watered it since September, and I've never brought it inside or covered it to protect it from the nighttime frosts and snow. Go figure.

Looks good, doesn't it?

Look at those buds!

Just had to try out my zoom!
I wonder how much longer it will last?

As I was cleaning up the garden beds, I found this plant in bloom, too. The one right next to it was laying on the ground, totally dead from the frost. Very strange!

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