Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mini Golf/Alumni Basketball

The weather finally warmed up over the weekend, and we took advantage of the improved temps to take in some mini-golf - the indoor variety at the elementary school! Phebe and Kyle had a great time checking out the 18 holes set up by the teachers and staff. This is a great fund-raiser for the PTO, and lots of fun for families. All proceeds come back to our students.

This is the 2nd grade hole - "Chill Out."

The 3rd grade theme was the Chinese New Year.

Of course, I was partial to the 1st grade hole, a Norwegian Lodge with a gnome crossing. Our first graders decorated Norwegian flags, rosemaling patterns, and gnomes.

This is the Kindergarten hole. The idea was to make an igloo out of milk jugs, but somehow it wouldn't quite hold together. They ended up using the jugs as giant ice cubes.

After golf, the kids could jump in this giant blow-up playground in the gym. It was hard to get Phebe out of there. The slide was great fun!

Both Kyle and Corey played basketball in the Alumni tournament (Kyle on the '95-'96 team, and Corey on the '97 team). Heidi also played in the volleyball tornament, but we didn't get to her games since we were golfing and then eating pizza with Jenna and Andy, who stopped over after skiing at Welch.

Kyle hasn't played basketball in years, and he could hardly move on Sunday after playing in two games on Saturday. His team won their first game, and then lost the next two. Phebe decided her daddy runs really funny!

Corey's team has won the whole tournament for several years in a row, but this year they won their first two games on Saturday, and then lost two on Sunday. During their game with '83-'85, we watched two of the "old" guys blow their Achilles tendons. They both ended up as roommates at the local hospital following surgery - yikes!

Maddox had fun sitting between his two grandpas, but he had even more fun climbing up and down the bleachers. It's kind of hard to keep a 2-year old still at a basketball game!
Alumni weekend is always a highlight for January. It's good to get out and see lots of people after hanging out at home all month!

1 comment:

Jenna and Andy said...

Wow, Corey and Kyle's smiles are almost the same in those pictures:) Where am I?? :)